நபி ஸல்
هُود |
Classification |
Position |
Juzʼ 11 to 12 |
Hizb no. |
22 to 24 |
No. of Rukus |
10 |
No. of verses |
123 |
No. of Sajdahs |
none |
No. of words |
1946 |
No. of letters |
7817 |
Opening muqaṭṭaʻāt |
ʾAlif Lām Rā الر |
← Quran
10 |
Blogged on 31032024
Verse [Section
Complete [10]
1-8 [1]
9-24 [2]
25-35 [3]
36-49 [4]
50-60 [5]
61-68 [6]
69-83 [7]
84-95 [8]
96-109 [9]
110-123 [10]
Surah 11. Hud
(11:1) Alif. Lam. Ra. This is a Divine Command1 whose
contents have been made firm and set forth in detail2 from
One Who is All-Wise, All-Aware
2. The
contents of this Book are firm, strong, and unchangeable: they are well
balanced and measured. There is no tinge of verbosity, pedantry, volubility,
poetic fancy and rhetorical exaggeration. The truth has been stated accurately,
and there is nothing more and nothing less than the truth. Moreover, the
contents have been given in detail and everything has been made so clear and
plain that there is neither confusion nor complication nor ambiguity in it.
12 2023 16 Jamathul Aaakir (6) 1445
6-8 Allah
is the Sustainer of all creatures
(11:6) There is not a single moving creature on the earth but Allah
is responsible for providing its sustenance. He knows where it dwells and where it will permanently rest.6 All this is recorded in a clear Book.
012024 18 Jamathul Aaakir (6) 1445
11:7) And He it is Who
created the heavens and the earth in six days - and [before that] His Throne
was upon the water7 that He may test you, who of you is better
in conduct8 If you were to say (O Muhammad): 'All of you will
surely be raised after death', then those who disbelieve will certainly say:
'This is nothing but plain sorcery.9
This is a parenthetical clause that has probably been inserted in answer to a
question, which has not been cited: if the heavens and the earth were created
afterwards in six days, what was there before
their creation? The answer is: then there was water. It is not possible for us
to say what exactly was the nature of that water. It might have been the common
fluid known by that name. Or perhaps, the word water has been used as a symbol
for the fluid state of the matter before it was changed to its present form. As
regards to “His Throne was upon the water” I am of the opinion that it means:
“His Kingdom was over water.”
012024 19 Jamathul Aaakir (6) 1445
012024 22 Jamathul Aaakir (6) 1445
Those who seek merely the present world and its adornment.15 We fully
recompense them for their work in this world, and they are made to suffer
no diminution in it concerning what is
their due.
They are the ones who shall have nothing in the Hereafter except Fire.16
(There they shall come to know) that their deeds in the world have come to
naught; and that whatever they have done is absolutely useless.
16. This is a clear and stern warning to the worshipers of the
world. They should know that they will get the full reward for the exertions
(whatever they be) they put forth in order to acquire the worldly gains but
they should note it well that they would get nothing in the next world.
012024 24 Jamathul Aaakir (6) 1445
(11:17) Can it happen that he who takes his stand on a
clear evidence from his Lord,17 subsequently followed by a
witness from Him (in his support),18 and prior to that the Book
of Moses was revealed as a guide and a mercy, (would even he deny the truth in
the manner of those who adore the life of this world)? Rather, such men are
bound to believe in it.19 The Fire shall be the promised resort
of the groups that disbelieve. So be in no doubt about it for this indeed is
the truth from your Lord although most people do not believe.XXXX Blog
17. This shows that even apart from revelation, there is ample
evidence in man’s own self, in the structure of the heavens and the earth, and
in the order that prevails in the universe to prove that God is the only
creator, master, lord and sovereign of the universe. The evidence referred to
above also inclines man to believe that the present life will be followed by
another one in which man will be required to render an account of his deeds and
wherein he might be requited.3
08 012024 25Jamathul
Aaakir (6) 1445
The example of the two parties is that one is
blind and deaf, and the other capable of seeing and hearing. Can the two be
equals?28 Will
you, then, not heed?'
10 012024 27 amathul
Aaakir (6) 1445
25-35 Nuh's
address to his people and Nuh's people challenged him and asked for the scourge
of Allah
13012024 01rajab (7)1445
14012024 02rajab (7)1445
BLOG (11:35) (O Muhammad!) Do they say that he himself has forged
this message? Tell them: 'If I have forged this, the guilt of it will
fall upon me, but I am not responsible for the crimes you are committing.39 BLOG
39. The wording of the verse shows that during
the recital of the story of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), the opponents of
the Prophet (peace be upon him) might have felt that he himself had invented
that story in order to hit them hard indirectly. So they might have interrupted
him, saying: You are inventing such stories as these in order to apply these to
us and hit us hard indirectly. That is why the narration of the story has been
broken to answer their false accusation.
18012024 06rajab (7)1445
36-39 Allah
commanded Nuh to build and ark
40-41 Allah
commanded Nuh to embark and gather on board the believers and a pair from every
(11:40) Thus it was until Our command came to pass and
the oven boiled over.42 We said: 'Take into the Ark a pair of
every species; and take your own family except those who have already been declared (as unworthy);43 and also take everyone
who believes.44 But those who, along with him, had believed
were indeed just a few.
Different interpretations have been given of this, but we are of the opinion
that the correct one is the one that is based on the plain words of the text.
The deluge started from at-tannur, a particular oven from under which water
began to boil up. At the same time heavy rain began
to fall and springs began to gush up water from many places in the earth. This
is given in detail in( Ayats
11-12 of Surah Al- Qamar):
We opened the gates of the sky from which it began to rain heavily and
constantly, and We tore open the earth and springs began to gush forth water
from every side. Thus the two kinds of water gathered together to fulfill the
destined doom.
In this connection, it should also be noted that the prefix al (the) before tannur (oven) shows
that a particular oven had been specifically marked by God for the purpose of
starting the deluge. This began to boil up
water as soon as it was commanded to do so, and afterwards it began to be
called the oven. It has been explicitly stated in (Ayat 7 of Surah
Al- Mominoon) that the said tannur was specified before hand.
43. That is, don’t embark in the Ark those who had specifically
been marked as unbelievers from your household, for they do not deserve to be
shown Our compassion. Most probably they
were two persons. One was his son who was drowned (Ayat 43),
and the other was his wife. (Surah
At-Tahrim, Ayat 10). And if there were
any others, they have not been mentioned in the Quran.
44. Incidentally, this refutes the theory of the historians and
genealogists who trace the genealogy of the whole human race to the three sons
of Prophet Noah (peace be upon him). This wrong theory became prevalent because of the stories
in the Bible that none other than Prophet Noah (peace be upon him), his
three sons and his wife were rescued from the deluge. (Genesis 6: 18, 7: 7, 9,
and 9: 19). But the Quran contradicts
this in many places, saying that besides the people of his own household, some
other people of his community, though small in number, were also rescued along
with him. Moreover, the Quran declares that the generations which came after
Prophet Noah (peace be upon him) were his descendants and of all those people
who were rescued in the Ark: You are the descendants of those whom We bore in
the Ark with Noah. (Surah
Al-Isra, Ayat 3). They were from the descendants of Adam, and from the
seed of those whom we carried in the Ark with Noah. (Surah
Maryam, Ayat 58).
20012024 08 rajab (7)1445
42-49 Dialogue
between Nuh, his son, and Allah BLOGXX
· (11:49) We reveal to you these accounts of matters
that are beyond the reach of human perception. Neither you nor your people knew
about them before this. Be, then, patient. Surely, the good end is for the
22012024 10rajab (7)1445
50-60 Prophet
Hud's address to his people, their disbelief and its consequences
(11:52) My people! Ask
your Lord for forgiveness and turn to Him in repentance. He will shower abundant rains upon you from
the heaven, and will add strength to your strength.57 Do not turn
away as those given to guilt.'
This is the same thing that has been stated by the tounge of the Prophet (peace
be upon him) in (Ayat 3).
This is a clear proof that
moral values count not only in the life of the Hereafter but
also determine the rise and fall of nations in this world. This is because
Allah rules over the world in accordance with moral principles and not on the
basis of His physical laws alone. That is why Allah has declared in many places
in the Quran that the fate of a community hangs on the message which He sends
to it through His Prophet. If it accepts the message, He opens the gates of His
favors and blessings for it, but if it rejects the message, then it is
In short, this verse is an article of the moral law in
accordance with which Allah deals with man. Conversely, the other article of the same principle of the law is
that the community which, deluded by its worldly prosperity, begins to tread
the paths of sin and iniquity is ultimately destroyed. But if, during its
headlong race towards its doom, it realizes its erroneous behavior and gives up
its disobedience and turns in repentance towards Allah, its evil fate is
changed and the impending scourge is averted and it is given a further term of
respite along with blessings and favors.
23022024 12 shfan 1445
26022024 15 shfan 1445
29022024 18 shfan 1445
61-68 Prophet
Salah's address to his people, their disbelief and its consequences
And to Thamud We sent their brother Sali'h.66 He said: 'My people! Serve Allah;
you have no god other than Him. He brought you into being out of the earth, and
has made you dwell in it.67 So ask Him to forgive you, and do turn towards Him
in repentance.68 Indeed My Lord is near, responsive to prayers .69
69. In this concise
sentence, the Quran has refuted a grave misunderstanding of the mushriks, which
has in every age misled people into wrong creeds. They presumed that Allah
lived far away from them and, therefore, was unapproachable like their own rulers
on the earth. As the only way of approach to them was an intercessor who alone
could receive and present their requests and applications to their rulers, and
convey their answers to them, they presumed that there should be some
intercessor to help approach Allah and bring to them the answers to their
prayers. Obviously this is a false presumption, which has been endorsed and
encouraged by clever people that Allah is out of the reach of common people and
it is not possible for them to reach Him and present their prayers and get
their answers. So they should search for such sacred beings as may have an
approach to Him
61 -62
04032024 22 shfan 1445
06032024 24 shfan 1445
And the Blast overtook those who were wont to do wrong, and then they lay
lifeless in their homes
(11:68) as though they had never lived there
before. Oh, verily the Thamud denied their Lord! Oh, the Thamud were destroyed.
08032024 26 shfan 1445
69-76 Good
news for Prophet Ibrahim, he will have a son (Isaac) and beyond him a grandson
(11:71) And Abraham's
wife was standing by and on hearing this she laughed.78 And We gave her the good news of (the birth of) Isaac, and
after Isaac, of Jacob.79
It appears from this that the news of the visit of the angels in the human form
had made the people of the house uneasy. So Prophet Abraham’s Prophet Abraham
(peace be upon him) wife had also come there to know what the matter was. She
laughed with joy when she learned that the angels were sent not to punish their
people but the people of Lot (peace be upon him).
79. The angels told the good news of a son to
Sarah instead of Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) because he already had a
son, Ismail from Hajirah but had no child from her. Therefore to remove her
sorrow they told her the good news that a son, Isaac, will be born to her, who
will have a son, Jacob, both of whom will be great Messengers of Allah.
10032024 28 shfan 1445
77-83 Prophet
Lut's address to his people, their disbelief and its consequences
(11:82) And when Our
command came to pass, We turned the town upside down, and rained on it stones
of baked clay, one on another,91
Probably the scourge came in the form of a horrible earthquake which turned
their habitations upside down and the explosion of a volcano which rained
stones on them.
“Stones of layered baked clay” probably refers to the stones that
are formed by the underground heat and lava in the volcanic regions. The
signs of such a formation are found even today near the Lot Sea.
(11:83) marked from your Lord.92 Nor
is the punishment far off from the wrong-doers.93
92. That
is, every stone had been specified by Allah to do some particular work of
destruction there, and to hit a particular offender.
93. This was meant to warn the workers of iniquity who were
engaged in their evil work, as if to say: You should not consider yourselves
immune from scourge as though it were far from you. If it could visit the
people of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him), it could overpower you as well.
Neither the people of Prophet Lot (peace be upon him) were able to defend
themselves against Allah, nor can you frustrate Him now.
13032024 02 Eamadan 1445
My people! Give full
measure and weight with justice, do not diminish the goods of others, and do
not go about creating corruption in the land.
The gains that Allah
lets you retain are better for you, if you indeed believe. In any case, I have
not been appointed a keeper over you.
15032024 04 Eamadan 1445
16032024 05 Eamadan 1445
(11:94) And when Our command came to pass, We
delivered Shu'ayb and those who shared his faith, through Our mercy, and the
Blast seized those who were engaged in wrong-doing, so they lay lifeless in
their homes
(11:95) as though they had never dwelt in them
before. Lo! Away with (the people of) Midian, even as the Thamud were done away
16032024 05 Ramadan 1445
96-109 Fate
of Fir'on and his chiefs who were warned but they gave no heed
(11:98) He shall stand
at the head of his people on the Day of Resurrection, and will bring them down
to the Fire.104 What a wretched destination to be led to!
From this verse and some other narrations of the Quran it appears that the
leaders of a community in this world will be its leaders also on the Day of
Resurrection. If they guided and led the people towards virtue, righteousness
and truth in this world, their followers will gather together under their
banner on the Day of Resurrection and march to the Gardens under their leadership.
On the other hand, if they called people to some deviation, immorality or
unrighteous ways, their followers will follow them there also, and march to the
fire of Hell under their leadership. The Prophet (peace be upon him) explained
this thing in a tradition: On the Day of Resurrection, the banner of the poets
of ignorance will be in the hands of Imra-ul-Quais, and all of them will march
towards Hell under his leadership.
Now let us try to picture the march of these two processions. It
is obvious that the first procession will march happily and joyously, praying
for and praising their leaders whose guidance had led them to this happy state
of marching to the blessed Paradise. On the other hand, when the followers of
the leaders of errors will find themselves in the miserable plight, to which
the leaders had brought them, naturally their anger against them will be beyond
description. For the followers will march towards Hell, abusing and cursing
their leaders, who had brought them to that horrible state of torture.
18032024 07 Ramadan 1445
21032024 10 Ramadan 1445
(11:114) And establish
the Prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night.113 Indeed the good deeds drive away the evil deeds. This is a
Reminder to those who are mindful of Allah.114
113. This was to urge Salat at three times, that is, morning, evening
and Isha. This shows that this was revealed before Salat had been made
obligatory five times a day during the Miraj. (For explanation, see (E.N.
95 of Surah Al-Isra), (E.N.
111 of Surah Taha), and (E.N.
124 of Surah Ar-Room)).
This verse talks about the five daily prayers.
The prayers at the two ends of the day are the dawn prayer (Fajr) at one end
and the afternoon prayers (Ẓuhr and ’Aṣr) at the
other. Prayers in the early part of the night include the sunset (Maghrib) and
late evening (’Ishâ') prayers.
— Dr.
Mustafa Khattab, The Clear Quran
114. This is the remedy for eradicating evil from the world:
Do good deeds and defeat evil with them. The best way of making you virtuous is
to establish salat, (11:114) And establish
the Prayer at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night.113 Indeed the good deeds drive away the evil deeds. This is a
Reminder to those who are mindful of Allah.114
114. This is the remedy for eradicating evil from the world: Do
good deeds and defeat evil with them. The best way of making you virtuous is to
establish salat, which will remind you of Allah over and over again: which will
produce those good characteristics in you that shall help you fight
successfully against the systematic and united front of evil that has been
formed against the mission of the truth. This will also enable you to establish
practically the system of virtue and reform. (For explanation see (E.Ns
77-79 of Surah Al-Ankaboot)).
which will remind you
of Allah ove
24032024 10 Ramadan 1445
110-113 Differences
arose about Torah given to Musa for his followers' lack of belief
114-117 Virtues
remove evils, Allah does not let the reward of the righteous be wasted
8-123 Freedom
of choice given to mankind is the Will of Allah
(11:118) Had your Lord so willed, He would surely have made
mankind one community. But as things stand, now they will not cease to differ
among themselves and to follow erroneous ways
(11:119) except for those on whom your Lord has mercy. And it is
for this (exercise of freedom of choice) that He
has created them.116 And the word of your Lord was fulfilled: 'Indeed I will
fill the Hell, with men and jinn, altogether.'
116. This is the answer to the objection
raised in the name of taqdir (destiny) against the principle that has been laid
down in the preceding verse for the destruction of the wicked communities. It
is this: Why should these communities be punished for lack of a sufficient
number of righteous persons in them?
(O Muhammad!) We narrate these anecdotes of Messengers to you that We may
strengthen through them your heart. In these anecdotes come to you the truth,
and an exhortation, and a reminder for the believers.
26032024 10 Ramadan 1445
Blogged on 31032024