Friday, 4 August 2017

Islam and Yoga Part 1

Very Controversial Subject I have chosen perhaps.
There is s striking similarity between Islam and Yoga .That is the wide spread misunderstanding about Islam and Yoga
Let us start with Yoga
 The word Yoga is now pronounced anywhere and everywhere.—
Yoga training, yoga camp, Yoga in media, Yoga in institutions, Yoga for Kids, Yoga for women, Yoga for IT people Yoga for Defense and Police Personnel Yoga for Doctors Yoga for pregnant women , Yoga for Housewives Yoga for senior citizens and so on..
But still it is doubtful how many are pronouncing the word Yoga with full understanding of its meaning  and significance
Let us see widespread misunderstandings about Yoga (in my view)
Next week, in next part


  1. We are waiting to see the correlation between two extremely concept.

  2. Two extremely opposite concepts
